PRONOUNS (kata ganti)
Subject Pronouns : THEY, WE, I, YOU, SHE, HE, IT
They are footballers.
We are footballers.
I am a footballer.
You (kalian) are footballers.
You (kamu) are a footballer.
She is a ballerina.
He is a footballer.
It is a cat.
They are cats.
Object Pronouns : THEM, US, ME, YOU, HER, HIM, IT
I have some dogs. They are lovely. I love them.
They are friends of you and me. They love us.
You love me.
Benny loves her.
Bella loves him.
Billy loves it.
Possessive Adjective : THEIR, OUR, MY, YOUR, HER, HIS, ITS
Their houses are sold.
That is our house.
My house is far away from here.
Your house is expensive.
Her house is in the urban area.
His house is in the suburban area.
Its fur is so gentle.
Possessive Pronouns : THEIRS, OURS, MINE, YOURS, HERS, HIS
This house is theirs.
That house is ours.
This house is mine.
That house is yours.
These houses are hers.
Those houses are his.
This /this/ = ini (bendanya Cuma satu dan jaraknya dekat dengan kita)
These /thiz/ = ini (bendanya lebih dari satu dan jaraknya dekat)
That = itu (bendanya Cuma satu dan jaraknya agak jauh dari kita)
Those /thos/ = itu (bendanya lebih dari satu dan jaraknya agak jauh)
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